Sacred Woman Book
Sacred Woman Book
Sacred Woman: Healing the Wounds of Disconnection
Sacred Woman: Healing the Wounds of Disconnection
“This book is personal reflection of my life as a woman, remembering the roots of my sacred femininity. It is this sacred or divine aspect of the feminine that often felt veiled or hidden to me throughout my years as a younger woman. I am an example of a woman born into a modern society, disconnected from a wider sense of community and raised without an immediate sense of intimate connection with the earth and or direct communion with nature. I can see now how I lacked guidance as to how to direct my energy or life force for my own wellbeing, or how to truly take care of body and womb (physically and energetically). In fact I was often drawn into the traps of a society that devalues the sacred in all aspects of life. There are many ways both women and men have been conditioned by society to not honour our sacred nature.
It has taken me more than 40 years to re-trace my steps and to truly realise the responsibility & potential of holding this sacred essence of the feminine as a woman on this earth.”
Excerpt From: Barbi Joffe. “SACRED WOMAN (Kindle).” iBooks.