The Path of Healing
At different points on our journey, we meet some aspect of ourself that asks for healing.
There is an invitation …. and we don’t know where it will lead.
It might be a process of remembering who we are,
and who we have been….
a reframing of perception,
a purification,
a dissolution of a pain or illusion of separation,
an expression of what has been held deep within,
a deep cellular reorganisation,
a recalibration of the heart,
or a regeneration of energy that allows us to take that next movement forward.
Often…. what seems to happen is that as the process unfolds, more layers may be slowly revealed.
We are always evolving and growing.
and there are many points of integration and expansion along the way.
We do not need to get caught in the ‘spiritual seeking’, or in the pursuit of ego enlightenment. Its not about adding on more courses, therapies and workshops.
It can be more simple.
A humble commitment and a willingness to look deeply into the habits that have shaped us, the ideas we cling to…
I know some people feel likes its self-indulgent to go down the rabbit hole of self ‘healing’.
It doesn’t need to define us. We shouldn’t get stuck in loops.
Its a path of the peaceful warrior.
Often we need to do this work alone.
Other times we need to reach out for support.
We shouldn’t expect that we drink one cup of medicine and everything gets fixed.
Step by step….
Our healing is not isolated from the collective. We do this so that all of us can evolve. We offer this to our children, our families and to humanity.
Sometimes I get a sense that a sense of separation is widening in the world… between those who want to see, those who want to hide their heads in the comfortable reality manufactured by our culture.
For me, I cannot choose to not see.
I’ve been peeling back the layers these last months …. re-birthing through deep expansions and contractions.
I feel like my perceptual lens has really changed, especially since my time in the Amazon.
I realise how much more sensitive I am to the energies around me. And its been crucial is for me to rest into the silence of nature - often.
I’ve been watching how my emotional body/mind can sometimes shift my sense of balance and cause me to act impulsively.
I have been observing how outside forces influence me (eg. the phone)
And I’m aware that sometimes I think I have made a ‘choice’, yet this choice has been influenced by habit- subconscious tendencies of the mind that are not easy to undo in my 40 years of life.
So lately this part of my journey has been finding a greater embodiment of inner steadiness, a deeper trust of God.
Its been a fierce practice to not turn away from truth in the fire of transformation.
Sometimes I experience a sense of disorientation… because I ‘know’ the state of unity and oneness, yet it is like the operating system of my human biology gets highjacked - and does not allow me to feel the connection in a continual way. It is most ‘awake’ in nature, with the plants, in the rapture of music, in places and communities where i feel that communal energy in a healthy way. Yet amidst the busy tasks of modern life and the chaos of the world - the challenge is to hold that truth, that instinctual awareness and sense of direct connection with the greater cosmic forces - again, with steadiness.
So here I am…. lightening the load, simplifying, offering gratitude, being present to the magic unfolding, and trying to vigilant to the ways that I/ we are often pulled towards distraction.