Supporting each other in crazy times
This last week has brought so much change and uncertainty into our lives. We feel this in our families, relationships and communities. Worry and anxiety have crept into our bellies as we contemplate health, income, food security, travel restrictions etc (all major issues!). And obviously we feel these impacts in our intimate relationships. How can we find good ways to support each other through these challenges? especially as many of us are suddenly sharing more time with one another?
There is a lot of information to take in about the global implications of this strange pandemic, which means our mental activity is likely in overdrive. Take a moment each day to feel into your body, notice the tension in your belly, breath into it, inquiry into what else is going on inside. And then carve out a little window of time to sit of lie with your partner and share with them what you are feeling… slowly, gently, tenderly. Oftentimes someone will need to be held to feel soothed. Can you offer that to your partner? Or can you ask for that? Sometimes tears may want to be released, can you allow them? Can you hold space for theirs?
It is not easy to be with discomfort. But here we are now, all of us feeling a collective discomfort…..
Emotions that are unexpressed or unacknowledged have the tendency to leak out as reactivity or agitation. Be mindful of this. This is a powerful opportunity to be to find ways to love each other, to uplift our children and to find ways to express in a honest and real way.